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Asking My Watchers

i thought of asking you guys some questions , to get to know you better .. and also to have some fun ^^ ! . you don't have to answer them , but if you'd like to , that shall be appreciated :iconluvluvplz:

alrighty  .. here we go !

1. do you have any pets?
2. how much time do you spend on DeviantART a day !?
3. are/were you popular at school ?
4. would you befriend me in real life if that was possible?
5. do you usually take risks in life ? or you prefer to be always safe ?

you can answer short answers in commenting under this journal :)
okay .. feel free to answer them .. and feel free to ask me FIVE questions about anything you like ...

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Other Posts


I saw this cute animation of Lance wearing light up shoes and I just couldn't get this idea out of my head. It's something I can see happening and that's just so cute ;; 
I also made it into a little animation - it's on my tumblr…


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Lance and Blue

My baby boy taking selfies with his kitty ♥

I still can't draw cats ugh 


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Mew Ichigo

Look! I posted something! And I'm kinda back? I'm still thinking about it. Right now I will post from time to time and we will see ay. c:

for now enjoy a little fanart from my first anime ever - Tokyo Mew Mew ♥


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